Acacia Maden İşletmeleri A.Ş was ranked 129th among the top 1000 companies by the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) with the amount of exports in 2020.
Acacia Maden İşletmeleri A.Ş. which aims to make significant contribution to Turkish economy by reducing dependence on foreign sources in copper consumption achieved its aim with its amount of export in 2020 according to 2020 report of Istanbul Mineral and Metals Exporters' Association (IMMIB). Accordingly:
- It ranks 1st at the list of firms exporting copper,
- It ranks 2nd at the category of firms exporting metallic ore,
- It ranks 4th at the list of firms exporting mines across Turkey.
We are proud of the great contribution of Acacia Mining Operations to our country's economy with the amount of export.