Since 2010, İlbak Holding has not only focused on commercial success but also on environmental sustainability and social responsibility. At this point, in line with our sustainability principles, we prioritize social responsibility and environmental awareness through water management, energy consumption, efficiency, and environmental and waste studies of our various brands.


Nature-friendly production


Zero waste, clean future

society environment

Environmentally sensitive solutions


We contribute to society

Water Management

Water Management

We are aware of the importance of water for our future. Therefore, we carry out projects for the protection and efficient use of water resources.

The projects we undertake to reduce water consumption and increase efficiency support our goal to reduce our environmental impact.

Energy Consumption and Efficiency

Energy Consumption and Efficiency

By closely monitoring the energy consumption of our production facilities and offices, we ensure energy savings through R&D studies and energy efficiency projects. Our projects play an important role in both reducing environmental impact and operational costs.

Environment and Waste Studies

Environment and Waste Studies

Environmental and waste studies play a critical role in achieving sustainability goals. The Holding aims to minimize environmental impact by implementing practices that comply with regulations on waste management, recycling, and zero waste on a brand basis, such as the collection and recycling of recyclable waste from product packaging by licensed companies. We also aim to increase zero waste awareness through training and information activities for employees.