Rruga "Sami Frasheri", Kompleksi Nobis, Kati 1 Tirane / Albania Tirana / Albania
Tete Albania
Albania's largest copper mine
Located in Albania with a significant copper reserve, years of experience, and an innovative and modern production approach, Tete Albania has adopted the principle of offering quality products in the copper sector. With the power of İlbak Holding, Tete Albania continues its successful operations by increasing its activities day by day.
Founded in 2007, Tete grew with the acquisition of majority shares by İlbak Holding in 2017. Tete Albania, which started its operations with the Spac Copper Mine Processing license, started production in the last quarter of 2017 with its factory built on the site.
Tete Albania continues to increase its investment and export figures by acquiring the Spac Copper Mine and adjacent fields. It also continues production in Letitna, Perlat, and Gurth fields.
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Tete Albania