Code of Ethics Implementation Principles

Obligation to Report Transgressions

If any employees become aware of or suspects a transgression of İlbak Hoding's or affiliated company's Code of Ethics or of the laws and regulations that bind the Company, they are obligated to notify their immediate superiors or, depending on the specific situation, the relevant Board Member.

Under no circumstance will this report be exposed to third parties in a manner that could adversely affect workplace harmony or professional relationships. The reporting mechanism must not be allowed to jeopardize the Company's interests.

The individual producing the report must not have any intention to spread rumors about or damage the career of the individual denounced. Accordingly, the principles of confidentiality, impartiality and compliance to ethical rules must be carefully upheld during the reporting and inspection processes. The individual who produces the report and the executives in charge of the process should give these principles as much attention as possible.

Any deliberately deceitful or defamatory reporting is considered a transgression of ethical rules.

Disciplinary Practices

In cases in which the Code of Ethical Conduct has been transgressed, the below sanctions apply:

  • Deliberate abuse results in the dismissal of the person concerned, as per the relevant articles of the labor law, and, if necessary, the initiation of legal action against this person. No previous positive achievements by someone who deliberately transgressed the Code of Ethical Conduct constitute grounds for partial exoneration or acquittal
  • When neglect related to oversight or lack of knowledge, rather than deliberate abuse, causes a transgression, the individual at fault receives an oral or written warning, its severity in proportion to the effects of the event.
  • If any damage has occurred as the result of the transgression of an ethical code due to neglect or oversight, up to one month's wages may be garnished. In cases in which such damage cannot be compensated for with the 30-day wages of the concerned person, his/her employment contract becomes void in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Act.