Employee Relations at İlbak Holding are based on the following basic principles:
- Aptitude for a job is the only hiring and employment criterion, and all candidates receive equal opportunities without any discrimination.
- The Company offers all employees equal opportunities for training, guidance and development.
- Successful employees are rewarded through a fair and competitive salary policy, and efficient and objective performance assessment systems and practices are used to evaluate employees.
- Equal promotion and rewards opportunities exist to reinforce employees' commitment to the Company.
- Employees have the right to work in clean, healthy and safe environments.
- Harassment will never be tolerated in the workplace.
- Employees' opinions and suggestions will always be duly evaluated and addressed, and the necessary measures will be taken to boost motivation.
- Private information concerning employees is never to be shared with third parties without the prior consent of the employees, except in cases of legal obligation.
- Human rights standards will be complied with fully.